One Minute Briefs: June 1, 2020

Here is the first One Minute Briefs entry from the @BraveCopy account.

The brief was for banana bread. This one came pretty quick. I once read (from another copywriter) that banana bread is a great thing made from old bananas and expired sour cream. Mix two worthless things togther and something awesome arises.

Basically he was saying that crappy ideas lead to good ones. One crappy idea may inspire an improvement, yielding a better idea. Then THAT idea gets improved upon, and a GREAT idea results. This description of the creative process is accurate. Sometimes, a great idea comes without that middle step. And it goes to show that any idea, no matter how crappy, has merit. The worst is NO idea.

So, for today, I remembered that little nugget. At first I wanted to photograph an over-ripe banana (happened to have one in my kitchen) placed next to a container of sour cream or yogurt. Wasn’t working out real well, so I drew it.

On the left you have a sour cream container, with a date of May 17, saying to the banana, “You’re a bit spotty…” On the right, the banana says, “You’re past your date.” Below the fracas, there’s a trio of eggs saying, “Why don’t we cooperate?”


Chronomixed Poem


One Minute Briefs: May 29, 2020